Dermal Filler Problems

Dermal Filler Problems

Dermal Filler Problems

Please think long and hard before visiting unregulated and inadequately trained practitioners, such as Beauty Therapists, for treatment as you could end up with dermal filler problems similar to the ones shown above. We are seeing more and more dermal filler problems due to the increasing number of these practitioners offering dermal fillers, and the huge number of patients looking for rejuvenation or enhancement of facial features such as lips, noses, and cheeks with dermal filler. Dermal filler treatment must not be considered a beauty treatment, it is a medical procedure, and as such will always carry risks. The greatest ones being blindness or anaphylactic shock. Some of the adverse events will need the immediate use of drugs supplied only on prescription. These can only be prescribed by a suitably qualified medical professional.  Beauty therapists and others allied to the beauty industry are not permitted to carry or prescribe the drugs, so potentially putting the patient at risk. The cosmetic industry is rapidly expanding due to the wishes of patients to retain their good looks and try and pause the effects of ageing. With the improvement in materials and a greater understanding of both the ageing process and the anatomy of the face, highly trained medical professionals can help patients achieve excellent results. This is why it is so important to research your practitioner well. Please  look for a Doctor, Dentist, or Nurse prescriber working out of a clinical environment whose is experienced in the treatments you are seeking. Cheap treatments are invariably not good treatments and good treatments do not come cheap! ……….. But remember, your face is priceless If you have had facial rejuvenation that has gone wrong and would like a second opinion or remedial treatment I am available to offer you my experience in order to help you. Please call on 0121-453-7949 or email:    

Underarm Sweating

If you suffer from the embarrassing condition of excessive underarm sweating we can offer you a life changing treatment.

Botulinum toxin injected into the underarm area will help prevent this problem for up to 1 year. 

Please call us on 0121-453-7949 to find out more or to book a consultation.

Skin tightening with profhilo

Skin tightening with profhilo


Please call us on 0121-453-7949 for more details or visit the website;


lower face before


lower face after

Prophilo continues to produce great results by lifting and tightening skin laxity, in a process called bioremodelling. This is simple and quick procedure and is available at Greenwood-Dental Clinic in Birmingham.

The hybrid cooperative complexes generate a dual action:

  • hydrating and stimulating action, related to low molecular weight (HYDRO)
  • dermal scaffold action (support), related to high molecular weight (LIFT)

How Does it work?

PROFHILO® promotes:




Produced by

“Profhilo isn’t a filler;

It’s the first injectable hyaluronic acid for skin remodelling.”

It is indicated for the treatment of skin laxity the face, neck and body. Its actions exerted through the remodelling the collagen and elastin fibres of the dermal matrix.

 Take a look at the cases below


Skin Laxity


Neck Tightening

ProphiloSkin Tightening with Prophilo

Lip Augmentation Danger

Lip Augmentation with dermal filler gone wrong?

Lip augmentation or lip filler, have you ever been tempted? Have you always wanted bigger more lush lips? Have you had internet vouchers for a cheap offer on this treatment?

Well take a look below and see what the dangers are of lip augmentation.

Lip augmentation, Lip filler gone wrong

Are you are unfortunate enough to have undergone lip augmentation by untrained or unqualified practitioners? Or have you had dermal filler injections that have left you with undesirable outcomes? We may be able to help you by dissolving the filler. This is not something to be taken lightly as this in itself does carry risks.

lip filler gone wrong

Take a look at the link below and see what can happen when trying to save money by having lip treatments done by unqualified practitioners.


Do you know what is being injected? Is it a reputable product or something bought over the Internet with no authenticity.

All injectable filler treatments must be viewed as surgical procedures. They should be carried out by reputable medically trained personnel in a clinical environment.

Childrens Health

Disturbing News! But we have been seeing this for years. Childrens health with respect to dental decay is appalling. Children are just not attending for dental appointments. Dietary advice which is given regarding sugar and sugary drinks including fizzy pop, energy drinks and some fruit flavoured water is just being ignored.

Tooth decay still on the rise among English children



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