Dr Andrew Greenwood presenting at IAPCAM conference

IAPCAM Symposium 2018, London 26 SEP 2018 Share this article     Aesthetics reports on the second International Association for Prevention of Complications in Aesthetic Medicine (IAPCAM) symposium. The event took place on September 21 and was held at Church House...
Dermal Filler Problems

Dermal Filler Problems

Dermal Filler Problems Please think long and hard before visiting unregulated and inadequately trained practitioners, such as Beauty Therapists, for treatment as you could end up with dermal filler problems similar to the ones shown above. We are seeing more and more...

Lip Augmentation Danger

Lip Augmentation with dermal filler gone wrong? Lip augmentation or lip filler, have you ever been tempted? Have you always wanted bigger more lush lips? Have you had internet vouchers for a cheap offer on this treatment? Well take a look below and see what the...